Habitat Conservation Plans
Regional or project plans developed on behalf of a non-federal entity pursuant to Section 10 of the federal Endangered Species Act
Natural Community Conservation Plans
Regional plans developed pursuant to the Natural Community Conservation Planning Act (Fish and Game Code Section 2800 et seq.)
Habitat Creation, Restoration, & Enhancement Plans
Plans developed to guide activities to create, restore, or enhance habitat for plants and wildlife
Mitigation Monitoring Plans
Plans developed to identify actions and success criteria for compensatory mitigation for impacts to wetlands, pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
Species Protection, Conservation, or Monitoring Plans
Plans developed to protect, conserve, or monitor special-status species
Integrated Natural Resource Management Plans
Strategic plans developed pursuant to the Sikes Act (16 U.S.C. 670a-670f, as amended) to protect biological resources on U.S Department of Defense lands
Habitat Management Plans
Plans developed to guide activities needed to manage habitat for plants and wildlife
Weed Management Plans
Plans that identify methods and strategies for managing invasive plant species