
Colibri Ecological Consulting

Our Commitment


Founded in 2010, Colibri Ecological Consulting delivers sound scientific information and analysis that addresses environmental challenges, leading to a better understanding of our natural surroundings. We provide a wide range of ecological consulting services to clients across California including environmental planning, environmental impact assessments, environmental permitting, biological surveys, and biological compliance monitoring.

Our Story

What Colibri Means

Colibri means hummingbird in more than 25 languages. Known for their intelligence, agility, and speed, hummingbirds possess excellent vision, helping them navigate and evade obstacles. Hummingbirds also display a wide range of behaviors, emphasizing exploration and communication, that allows them to thrive. They symbolize responsiveness, adaptability, vitality, and endurance.

As a business, we exemplify these same qualities—carefully observing and adapting to our surroundings, providing clarity, and guiding clients through challenging landscapes with ease. Like the fine-tuned, symbiotic relationship between hummingbirds and flowers, we believe in balance and mutual benefit. At Colibri Ecological Consulting, we help our clients address their environment while protecting and conserving the biological resources that make it distinctive.


To help our clients carry out successful projects by providing sound scientific information and analysis to address biological resource challenges.


To help improve the lives of people while advancing the vitality and sustainability of the natural world.


Curiosity & Consideration

The combination of innate curiosity and intentional consideration allows us to see beyond our own perspective while still exhibiting respect and empathy toward others, as well as the world around us. These values create an environment where growth, learning, and discovery thrive.

Immersion & Integration

Immersion encourages us to engage with people and environments in order to gain new insights. Integration allows us to use this knowledge in our analysis and planning. Through immersion and integration, we develop a deeper understanding of the world around us and how we all fit in.

Performance & Passion

Performance is all about striving for excellence, pushing ourselves to be the best we can be, and exceeding expectations. Passion is what drives us to pursue our dreams and find joy in our work despite the challenges. Together, they help us remain focused on achieving success while staying true to ourselves.

Who We Are

Our Team

Distributed among more than five locations in California, our team is made up of scientists who are passionate about what they do and prepared to offer support and guidance on your next project. Along with valuable qualities like diligence and attention to detail, we all share a particularly detailed knowledge of flora and fauna of the San Joaquin Valley and its surrounding foothills and mountains.

collage of ecologists and workers outside in vests
Laura Davis

Laura R. Davis

Nivedit Daliya

Nivedit M. Daliya

Senior Operations Manager
Jeff Davis

Jeff N. Davis

Principal & C.O.O.
Amy Hernandez

Amy S. Hernandez

Senior Scientist & Project Manager
Ruby R. Rebensdorf

Ruby R. Rebensdorf

Senior Scientist & Project Manager
Ryan R. Slezak

Ryan R. Slezak

Senior Technical Specialist & Principal
Patrick N. Sauls

Patrick N. Sauls

Senior Technical Specialist & Principal
Graham L. Biddy

Graham L. Biddy

Senior Scientist
Phil Capitolo

Phillip J. Capitolo

Senior Scientist
Howard O. Clark, Jr

Howard O. Clark, Jr.

Senior Technical Specialist
Cassie M. Contreras

Cassie M. Contreras

Staff Scientist
Tala S. Davis

Tala S. Davis

Field Scientist

Brandon K. Dunnahoo

Staff Scientist
Ryan Donnelly

Ryan C. Donnelly

Staff Scientist
Stephanie L. Doria

Stephanie L. Doria

Staff Scientist
Michelle L. Harris

Michelle L. Harris

Staff Scientist
Sarah Jacobsen

Sarah A. Jacobsen

Staff Scientist
Samantha M. Love

Samantha M. Love

Staff Scientist
Katherine P. Phillips

Katherine P. Phillips

Field Scientist
Cameron A. Reid

Cameron A. Reid

Field Scientist
Antonio Ruvalcaba

Antonio Ruvalcaba

Staff Scientist
Stephanie G. Santana

Stephanie G. Santana

Field Scientist
Marissa Stadelhofer

Marissa K. Stadelhofer

Staff Scientist

Steven R. Stanovich

Field Scientist

Madison O. Wallwork

Staff Scientist

We are always

Our Certifications

Women Business Enterprise (WBE) and Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), VON #16000165

California Public Utilities Commission

Small Business/Micro Business (DGS SB/MB), #1789487

California Department of General Services

Women-Owned Small Business and Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business (SBA WOSB & EDWOSB)

Small Business Administration

Who We Support

Our Community